Weight Loss by emma mitchell from the Noun Project Weight Loss Testimonials

Johanna (Lost 7kg and numerous centimetres)*

Before and After

(Before in Halloween Costume. After in Wedding Dress - No Corset)

Quotation Marks My love affair with Herbalife started actually very early - 11 years ago, I am now 29. I was one of those people that found it very hard to eat breakfast and have regular meals. I also was often quite sickly and had low energy levels despite my "youth". Long story short - a family-friend put me on Herbalife and I have not looked back - that was until I moved to Australia and I started enjoying an unhealthy lifestyle again.To be honest my financial situation as an international student also played a bit of a role there.

I gained 10 kg within a year. Now, I am quite tall and I would not call myself overweight. However, I felt largely uncomfortable in my body ...I call it the "I don't dare to show myself in a bikini or shorts" body. My backside and thighs are my problem zone (cellulite heaven) and I developed a roll in my stomach.

It was not until my fiance proposed to me that I decided I refused to be a victim of my body any longer and feeling uncomfortable in shorts (wearing long paints in 35C - you get the gist). I called Pauline and within 2 days I was back on Herbalife and loving it. I had this dreamy dress and yes - I did want to look stunning :-)

I know some people don't like the shake idea - I for one, however, love it. No endless planning of breakfasts and feeling bad about heavy lunches, but simply a nice, fresh shake - no intense planning involved. I did not lose weight as quickly as I would have liked (It used to drop off - now almost 30 it seems hormonal fluctuations keep the weight loss success at bay). However, once I measured myself I began to realise that although my weight loss was relatively slow, I did start losing quite a few centimetres around my stomach (it was actually flat?!) and my thighs and hips.

After 4 weeks I realised that I made 1 mistake, however - I forgot to incorporate snacks and my body went into "I will hang on to every calorie you give me" mode. I spoke to Pauline and decided to incorporate more rice crackers, cottage cheese, pastrami and turkey breast and some more salads. I also treated myself to the chocolate-peanut bars (my favourite) when
chocolate-attack-cravings were looming.

I lost 7 kilos and numerous centimetres... I will always have a curvy figure but felt comfortable and energised in my body again - even my fiancee complemented me on my nice-looking legs - and I thank Herbalife for that. Now, if you haven't started Herbalife already and are shying away from the commitment, shakes and maybe even costs, please think again. Calculated down
the cost of a shake will be less than the usual breakfast you consume, you WILL feel more energised and more happy with yourself by taking proper care of yourself and you will lose that excess weight in the interim.

Remember, we only have one body, and maybe the slightly cheesy L'oreal commercial statement is actually not that wrong: start taking care of yourself and allow yourself to feel happy with yourself again...why? because you are worth it, and so is your partner and your family.

[Johanna used a tailored programme including Formula 1 Shake Mix, Cell-U-Loss, Instant Herbal Beverage, Chitosan Fibre Complex and Tang Kuei Plus]

*These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.