Weight Loss by emma mitchell from the Noun Project Weight Loss Testimonials

Caroline (Lost over 15kg)*

Quotation Marks My name is Caroline. I have had weight problems as a result of medical issues most of my adult life. I managed to get on top of it until the last few years when further complications prevented me from exercise and my weight ballooned making the health issues worse.

I have been taking the Herbalife Ultimate programme for 50 days. I was 115Kg at the start of that time and now weigh under 100kg. My clothes are swimming on me and I will soon be able to get back into some of the smaller clothes sizes that fit me 2 years ago. My health has dramatically improved and now I don’t worry if someone sneezes near me that I will catch whatever they have. In fact the first day I went on the programme I felt I was coming down with something throaty and within 3 days had managed to fight it off completely!

My energy levels are much improved and I WANT to exercise. I have been told that I look thinner, and even that I’m glowing!

Herbalife has really helped me take control of my health and weight and I would recommend trying Herbalife to anyone who also wants to take control of their bodies, not let their bodies dictate to them.

[Caroline used the Ultimate Programme]

*These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.