Herbalife Membership in India

A Herbalife membership is the smart way to go, if you want to take advantage of Herbalife's range of products.

Key Benefits

How Does It Work?

When you apply for Membership you are effectively signing up to deal directly with Herbalife and not a Herbalife Distributor (or middleman).

The vast majority of people sign up for membership to save money on their Herbalife purchases. However, being a Herbalife member does give you the opportunity of making an additional income.

How Do I Apply for Membership?

You need a sponsor to become a preferred member. We will be your sponsor. You only need 2 pieces of information regarding your sponsor. Please note these down so you have them for your application.

Then go to this secure website address in your preferred language...

(English Version)

(Hindi Version)

...and click on the blue box "Apply Online" under "Join Herbalife". It costs nothing to join.

If you just want to save money on Herbalife for yourself and maybe your family and friends, then select the 1st option "Join for Free as a Preferred Member".

Then continue through the membership application to the end. Once you have completed, wait half an hour and you can order online through the same website as a member.